Why you need ManagePLUS Gold for QuickBooks

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"A picture's worth a thousand words", so the saying goes, and hopefully the visual examples in this paper do a better job of showing why you need ManagePLUS Gold than any verbal description can. But here's a quick list of reasons why ManagePLUS Gold can help your accounting processes, along with links back to the examples and screen shots in this paper which demonstrate them.

ManagePLUS Gold...

Lets you allocate income and expense by drag-and-drop between classes. No need to wrangle with a calculator, spreadsheet, or debits and credits.
Lets you assign classes to "unclassified" income and expense balances—as when someone failed to specify a class when entering the original transaction. This happens via the same drag-and-drop action, but from accounts to classes in this case.
Lets you allocate by entering percentages, or based on "management quantities" you've associated with the destination classes for the allocations. For instance, you might associate a number of staff hours or direct program spending with your program classes, then allocate certain expenses to them on that basis. ManagePLUS Gold will handle all the calculations automatically—including recalculating everything, if you should happen to adjust any of the staff hours or direct program spending (etc.) entries.
Send Journal Entries to QuickBooks for the period's allocations, with a single click of the mouse.
Reduces errors:  you never have to fiddle with a calculator or spreadsheet formula, and can entirely avoid making journal entries manually.
Provides greater detail about the source of allocated amounts on your Profit and Loss by Class reports. ManagePLUS Gold automatically manages an Other Expense-type account in the QuickBooks Chart of Accounts, and maintains subaccounts which mimic the source classes of the allocations, so allocation source detail automatically appears on your reports.
Supports using a more detailed set of classes if you want, because allocations "cascade" through all of the classes they affect. For example:  if you allocate expense from Class1 to Class2, and from Class2 to Class3, then Class1 will have contributed to the amount allocated to Class3. (There's no limit on the number of class levels involved.) This gives you finer control over allocating expense to the various areas of your organization...and thus, better management information.
Lets you reuse your allocation setups for the "next" period's allocations. All you may need to do is update the management quantities (staff hours, direct program spending) associated with your classes. You may also adjust allocation formulas if desired, but often that won't be necessary. In any case, ManagePLUS Gold will calculate new allocations based on the updated management quantities and the accounting period's transaction amounts.
Lets you re-create allocations for prior periods if necessary. ManagePLUS Gold maintains each period's allocation setups for as long as you want, and can re-apply them at any time. If an accounting error in January rendered January and February allocations incorrect, once you've corrected the error you can apply updated allocation JEs for January and February in minutes.

For more information

Visit the ManagePLUS Gold Web page, where you'll find descriptions, videos, and examples, as well as a link to download and install a full-working version of the software, for a 30-day free trial:
