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Here are links to some Web pages with useful ManagePLUS and/or QuickBooks information. On Our Web Site: ManagePLUS pages
Online discussion forums We have forums dedicated to technical support for each of our software products, plus "more generic" forums dealing with accounting in QuickBooks, farm accounting topics, and so on:
Online and print versions of the Help system In addition to this Help system, an identical online version is available for viewing in a Web browser (Internet Explorer, or Firefox, etc.) Here's a link to the welcome page of the online version:
Also, a printable PDF file version is available. The file is a free download, it's designed for printing on your printer, and it is the best way to get a printed manual to use with ManagePLUS. You can download it from this Web page:
Lets you manage your subscription to our email newsletter and explains our newsletter policies.
The QuickBooks Farm Accounting Cookbook™ Authored by Flagship Technologies president Mark Wilsdorf, The QuickBooks Farm Accounting Cookbook™ is a 370-page how-to guide and reference for anyone who uses QuickBooks in agriculture. Roughly one quarter of the book is devoted to setting up QuickBooks properly for a farm or ranch business (setting the Chart of Accounts and the Classes list, knowing which QuickBooks forms to use and which ones to avoid, and so on). The remainder of the book contains step-by-step procedures ("recipes") for accomplishing common agricultural accounting tasks in QuickBooks. The Cookbook is not a ManagePLUS reference, but a general reference for using QuickBooks in agriculture.
Other Sites: Here are a few some of the more useful QuickBooks-related sites on the Web. forums These are discussion forums hosted by an independent company which provides QuickBooks-related services.
These forums: This is Intuit's main Web site for QuickBooks products. It has links to a QuickBooks knowledge base and is a source for a variety of QuickBooks technical information: These are Intuit's own QuickBooks discussion forums. As mentioned above, their forum rules discourage non-Intuit product and service discussions, but many topic areas have a good amount of daily traffic and lots of good information. |