Report columns reference

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Here is a description of columns you will find in various ManagePLUS and ManagePLUS Gold reports, in their typical order of appearance from left to right (when present).

Report columns

Total $

Total dollars for this report line.

% of parent-level $ Total

The percentage this report line's Total $ is, of it's parent item's Total $.

Qty 1

Transaction quantity total for this report line.

Qty 1 Avg. Price

Total $ divided by Qty 1.

Qty 2

Second transaction quantity total for this report line.
(Present only if advanced quantity handling is enabled.)

Qty 2 Avg. Price

Total $ divided by Qty 2.
(Present only if advanced quantity handling is enabled.)

Qty 1 / Qty 2

Qty 1 divided by Qty 2; for example: lb. per unit, tons per shipping container, etc.
(Present only if advanced quantity handling is enabled.)

Qty 2 / Qty 1

Qty 2 divided by Qty 1; for example: units per lb., shipping containers per ton, etc.
(Present only if advanced quantity handling is enabled.)

Mgmt. Qty A

Management quantity A associated with the item on this report line, such as labor hours, miles driven, or acres.

Avg. $ / Mgmt. Qty A

Average dollars per Management quantity A (Total $ divided by Mgmt. Qty A):  such as dollars per labor hour, dollars per mile, or dollars per acre.

Qty 1 / Mgmt. Qty A

Average transaction quantity per Management quantity A  (Qty 1 divided by Mgmt. Qty A):  such as  tons per labor hour, gallons per mile, or bushels per acre.

Qty 2 / Mgmt. Qty A

Average of second transaction quantity per Management quantity A  (Qty 2 divided by Mgmt. Qty A):  such as  tons per labor hour, gallons per mile, or bushels per acre.

Mgmt. Qty B

Management quantity B associated with the item on this report line, such as labor hours, miles driven, or acres.

Avg. $ / Mgmt. Qty B

Average dollars per Management quantity B (Total $ divided by Mgmt. Qty B):  such as dollars per labor hour, dollars per mile, or dollars per acre.

Qty 1 / Mgmt. Qty B

Average transaction quantity per Management quantity B  (Qty 1 divided by Mgmt. Qty A):  such as  tons per labor hour, gallons per mile, or bushels per acre.

Qty 2 / Mgmt. Qty B

Average of second transaction quantity per Management quantity B  (Qty 2 divided by Mgmt. Qty A):  such as  tons per labor hour, gallons per mile, or bushels per acre.