Taxable & nontaxable items: a mini-spreadsheet example |
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This example demonstrates: •Using FormCalc SST's "mini-spreadsheet" feature to do calculations which use data from other rows of the form •Using IF() function logic to determine calculation results based on contents of the Tax column •Entering data in header fields (fuel surcharge, freight charges) and using it in formulas •Totaling a column on the form •Protecting formulas from divide-by-zero errors •How to set up trigger Items in the QuickBooks Item list •Using trigger Items to control where calculations occur
How to Use the Mini-Spreadsheet Feature for Multi-Row CalculationsOverviewPaul Hibbs is a partner in an industrial cleaning service specializing in cleaning machine tools and parts, and paint and varnish removal. Paul's company often picks up parts at the customer's site, cleans them at his facility, then delivers the cleaned tools or parts back to the customer. Business has been good, but the prospect of having to comply with new state sales tax rules is taking some of the fun out of it! Customer invoices often have both taxable and non taxable items on them—and QuickBooks handles the sales tax calculations on those without any problem. But when parts are picked up and delivered freight charges and a fuel surcharge are usually involved. And that's where the trouble begins. As of January 1, 2014 Minnesota's sales tax regulations will require Paul to charge sales tax on the freight charges and fuel surcharges in proportion to the dollar amount of taxable items on the invoice. So if 62% of the rest of the invoice is taxable, then sales tax must be charged on 62% of the freight charge and 62% of the fuel surcharge. (Do people in government ever fully comprehend the burden laws and regulations can place on the everyday lives of the people they serve?) Paul is looking for a solution which will calculate the sales-taxable portion of his invoices, including the taxable part of freight and fuel surcharges, and that's something you can provide with FormCalc SST. To set this up for Paul you will need to: •Customize Paul's Invoice forms, adding two fields to the header area as places to enter freight charge and fuel surcharge amounts, and adding two columns to the detail area which FormCalc SST will use for separately tallying taxable and nontaxable amounts on the invoice. •Take a snapshot of the Invoice with FormCalc SST, and assign column types and column labels. •Add formulas to put taxable and nontaxable amounts in the appropriate (taxable or nontaxable) column. •Add Item-triggered formulas to total the taxable and nontaxable columns, and to calculate the taxable and nontaxable portions of freight charges and of fuel surcharges. QuickBooks SetupCustomizing the Invoice: adding fields
1.Click on the command to customize the Invoice form's layout. ![]()
2.On the Header tab of the Additional Customization window, checkmark boxes in the Screen column for the S.O. No. and FOB fields and give them appropriate titles as shown in the Title column in the screenshot below. ![]()
3.On the Columns tab of the Additional Customization window, checkmark boxes in the Screen column for the Other 1 and Other 2 fields, and change their titles to Taxbl and NonTaxbl, in the Title column.
![]() Adding some new ItemsUsing FormCalc SST's mini-spreadsheet feature requires using one or more QuickBooks Items for triggering some Item-triggered calculations; that is, for indicating the rows on which calculations are to happen. Existing Items can sometimes be used as trigger Items, but often some new ones must be added. In this case, new Items are needed for taxable and nontaxable freight and fuel surcharges to be calculated by FormCalc SST. They will be added near the bottom of Paul's invoices, arranged something like this: ![]()
Here is the list of Items which need to be added:
And here is a screenshot of the New Item window as one of these Items is being added: ![]() FormCalc SST Snapshot Setup1.Select File > New from the main menu to start a new FormCalc SST file.
2.Take a snapshot of the QuickBooks form.
3.Assign column types in the Detail area, to identify the spreadsheet's column types with their corresponding QuickBooks columns. Enter column labels too, if you want, to have column names which match those on the Invoice.
![]() FormCalc SST: Add General FormulasWhen FormCalc SST processes Invoices, the Formulas row's formulas will be applied to each Item row on the Invoice (with the exception of Item-triggered formula rows, discussed farther below). For this job you need to enter formulas which identify each row's amount as taxable or nontaxable. 1.Enter formulas for tallying taxable and nontaxable amounts, on the Formulas row. ![]()
=IF(LEFT(J21)="T",I21," ")
=IF(ISNUMBER(G21)," ",I21)
"Playing" with the sample dataAfter you have entered these formulas FormCalc SST copies them to the sample data rows (immediately below the Formulas row) to let you see how they work, using sample data which was copied from the Invoice when the snapshot was taken. In this example the Amount column's values were all copied to the Taxbl column, as they should be—because all of the sample rows are for taxable Items. ![]() The only problem is that this sample data doesn't test the formula in the NonTaxbl column. But you you can edit the sample data to do that. Here's another screenshot, taken after making one of the rows' Tax column entry from "Tax" to "Non". As you can see, the formula in the NonTaxbl column seems to be working correctly too. ![]() FormCalc SST: Add Item-Triggered FormulasNow we can add the formulas which calculate the taxable and nontaxable portions of freight and of fuel surcharges. The calculations will be triggered by the appearance of the Items added earlier—which is why they are referred to as trigger Items. Here are descriptions of the entries needed on four of the Item-triggered formulas rows. Item-triggered formulas 1![]() 1.In the Item column, enter "FuelSurchT"—the name of the taxable fuel surcharge Item. 2.In the Taxbl column, enter a formula to total the Taxbl and NonTaxbl columns: =SUM(G27:G29)+SUM(H27:H29)
3.In the NonTaxbl column, enter a formula to calculate the taxable portion of the fuel surcharge: =IF(H35<>0,B11*(SUM(G27:G29)/H35),0)
Item-triggered formulas 2
1.Show the anchor rows for Item-triggered formulas 2, using the Show/hide Anchor rows button in the upper right corner of the main window. ![]()
2.In the Item column, enter "FuelSurchNT"—the name of the nontaxable fuel surcharge Item. 3.In the Amount column, enter a formula to calculate the nontaxable portion of the fuel surcharge: =B11-I41
Item-triggered formulas 31.Show the anchor rows for Item-triggered formulas 3 and 4, as you did above. ![]() 2.In the Item column, enter "FreightT"—the name of the taxable freight Item. 3.In the Taxbl column, enter a formula to total the Taxbl and NonTaxbl columns, the same formula you entered on the Item-triggered formulas 2 row earler. =SUM(G27:G29)+SUM(H27:H29)
4.In the NonTaxbl column, enter a formula to calculate the taxable portion of the freight: =IF(H49<>0,B15*(SUM(G27:G29)/H49),0)
Item-triggered formulas 41.In the Item column, enter "FreightNT"—the name of the nontaxable freight Item. 2.In the Amount column, enter a formula to calculate the nontaxable portion of the freight charge: =B15-I55
![]() The completed snapshotHere's a view of the snapshot's Detail area tab with all formulas and item names in place. ![]() Processing an InvoiceOn the first attempt at using this FormCalc SST setup to process an Invoice, QuickBooks stopped the processing attempt with a pop-up message: ![]() The problem is that FormCalc SST is trying to write "63.4688757" in the Amount column (labeled Net here), but QuickBooks won't accept more than two decimal places in that column.The solution is to change the format FormCalc SST uses for writing results to the Amount column. Changing formats in the Amount column1.In FormCalc SST, right click one of the Amount column formula cells, and select Format from the pop-up menu. ![]()
2.Select a two-digit number format, and be sure to turn off the Override spreadsheet format option. ![]() 3.Click OK to close the window.
![]() 4.Use the same steps to format each of the Amount column's formula cells.
Processing the Invoice Again...Success!Here's the result of processing the Invoice again. ![]() The taxable and nontaxable amounts are correctly calculated, based on the fuel surcharge and freight amounts in the Invoice's header fields, and this FormCalc SST setup is ready to use for processing Paul's invoices. |