"How will you use my e-mail address?"
Unsolicited junk e-mail is an irritation to everyone—we are as bothered by it as you are. So we will not divulge your email address to anyone unless you specifically authorize us to do so. For details, see our Privacy Policy.
"How often will I receive email from you?"
In the case of Flagship Technologies News, you will only receive our newsletter a few times per year.
For QB Ag Center notifications, you will receive an email each time we post a new article there. With no particular schedule for posting articles, you might receive a couple emails in the same week, then none for a month or more.
"I have a new email address. How to I switch my newsletter subscription to the new address?"
Just subscribe using your new email address. There's no need to unsubscribe your old email address.
"I'm receiving duplicate copies of each message. Why? How do I get it stopped?"
First, be sure the messages really are duplicates. We sometimes send messages which are similar but not identical. For instance, in the past we have re-emailed a corrected version of our newsletter after finding errors in the first one.
If the messages you receive are truly duplicates, maybe you are subscribed to a list via two different e-mail addresses—such as a home and a work address—and both newsletter emails are being forwarded to the same email reader.
"I'm having problems with subscribing or unsubscribing. What can I do?"
Email us at support@goflagship.com and we'll work the get the problem solved.