The Help menu provides access to this Help system, links to Web pages and other learning resources related to ManagePLUS, and various "housekeeping" and informational commands.
Help menu options:
Opens online Help and displays the Contents tab, where you may select help topics to view by browsing topic headings.
Opens online Help and displays the Index tab, where you can look for help topics in an alphabetized list.
Displays the Getting Started dialog, which shows a list of suggested steps for getting started with ManagePLUS.
Opens your Web browser and navigates to a page on Flagship Technologies' Web site, where you can access our online ManagePLUS support resources, including videos, tutorials, discussion forums, and more.
Opens your Web browser and displays a copy of the Release Notes provided with your installation of ManagePLUS.
Displays the ManagePLUS Registration dialog. If you purchase a ManagePLUS license, this is where you enter the User ID and Registration Code you receive upon purchase, to register your installation of ManagePLUS as a licensed copy.
Opens the About dialog, a general-purpose "housekeeping" window where you can access ManagePLUS version and license information, release notes, links to ManagePLUS support resources, and tools for helping to diagnose problems with the ManagePLUS program.