Report tips, notes, and FAQ

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Report Tips...

Tip:  Refreshing reports:  when, why, and why not

When you return to a report window after changing some of the report's underlying datamaybe  you've refreshed transactions from QuickBooks or made changes in the Chart of Accounts windowthe Refresh button will flash and change color to let you know the report is no longer current.

But if you click the Refresh button, ManagePLUS will completely rebuild the report, overwriting any report changes you may have made. So if you have made changes which you may want to keep, you might not want to refresh the report right away.

Report Refresh Options

Your options are:

Do nothing. You have control over when, and whether, to refresh the report. So you can defer refreshing the report until you're done working with it in its current statei.e., with the changes you've made. You can continue using it and make more changes, or print it out, or whatever, and then refresh it later...or not at all, if you prefer.
Save a copy of the report by exporting it. To preserve the report in its current state you can export it to a Microsoft Excel file. Then you can go ahead with refreshing the report, knowing that you have a copy stored for safekeeping, which you can later work with by loading it into Microsoft Excel.
Refresh the report, overwriting any changes you have made.
Open a new copy of the report. ManagePLUS lets you have any number of copies of the same report type open at once. So instead of refreshing a report, which would overwrite your changes, you can simply open another copy of the same report type, using commands in the Reports menu.

Troubleshooting report printing

No output is visible in the Print Preview window (nor when printed)

Usual cause:

Print margins have been reset to incorrect values.
(Possibly due to a transient bug in how print settings get saved.)


1.Choose Print > Print Preview in the report window toolbar.
2.In the Print Preview window's menu, choose File > Page Setup.
3.In the Page Setup window, check these settings:
Page tab:  Be sure the correct paper type, size, and orientation are set.
Margins tab:  Set the margins to appropriate values (0.50" for Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins works on most printers).

Colors are not visible in the Print Preview window (nor when printed)

Cause #1:

The printing system is set to grayscale.


1.Choose Print > Print Preview in the report window toolbar.
2.In the Print Preview window's menu, choose File > Page Setup.
3.In the Page Setup window, check these settings:
Page tab:  Be sure "Print using gray shading" is not selected.

Cause #2:

Possible minor bug in printing system.


1.Choose Print > Print Preview in the report window toolbar.
2.In the Print Preview window's menu, choose File > Design.
3.In the File Design ("Format Report") window, change an option like Row and Column Headings, Guidelines, or Row Autoheight, then click the Apply button.
Usually, changing any of these options and then clicking Apply will fix the lack of color in the Print Preview window and when printed (assuming you have a color printer!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

"Do the reports have undo capability?"

Yes, they have limited undo support. Press the Ctrl-z key combination to undo your most recent edit(s) of the report.

"There's no quantity information on my report. What's wrong?"

See Tip:  If you can't "see" quantities in reports... in the Quantity tips & tricks topic.

See also:

Report windows  (Refresh button)